
Spelsberg and crossbase - high quality

Spelsberg uses crossbase to ensure high product data quality with reduced effort

With crossbase, we have raised the quality of our product data to a new level and significantly reduced the effort required for data provision, translation and production of print media. production of print media considerably.

Niklas Compans
Marketing Manager, Günther Spelsberg GmbH & Co. KG

Günther Spelsberg GmbH & Co. KG
58579 Schalksmühle

Contact person:
Ilka Werkshagen
Project Manager
Tel.: +49 2355 892-195

Information about the company

Type of company: Manufacturer
Branch of industry: Building elements and materials
Branch of industry: Electrical engineering
Sales assortment: approx. 2,700 products
Sales category: 101 to € 250 million
Number of employees: approx. 450 worldwide
ERP system: proALPHA

Information on the solution

Software type: Standard software
Solution type: Individual solution

Günther Spelsberg GmbH + Co KG, headquartered in Schalksmühle, is one of the leading international manufacturers in the electrical industry in the fields of electrical installation and enclosure technology. Its broad product portfolio includes junction boxes, terminal blocks and meter enclosures as well as industrial and empty enclosures.

A PIM, MAM and cross-media solution was implemented for Spelsberg based on the crossbase standard software. The existing Mediando PIM system was also replaced and the data migrated. The articles are now created with master data and country-specific prices in crossbase. These are classified in the product structure using an inheritance concept. The flexibility of the crossbase data model can be seen, for example, in the fact that the product data of junction boxes with different numbers and sizes of clamp inserts can be mapped in a clear and structured way. A packaging structure makes it possible to carry logistics data in the context of packaging and article, including packaging-related EAN codes, weights, dimensions and packaging quantities. The integrated MAM system is used to manage product photos, drawings, application and assembly images, pictograms and certificates and to automatically generate additional image formats.

In order to be able to use products in printed catalogs and online media in over ten countries, the relevant sales channels are maintained. The seamless connection with the crossbase API server to TYPO3 (online catalog and product finder) and the configurator plays a central role. The configurator was developed by Resolto Informatik GmbH to enable the visual and error-free assembly of enclosure systems and the subsequent generation of dimensionally accurate CAD drawings.

In addition, BMEcat catalogs with the ETIM standard classification are automatically generated for over ten countries and the platform is connected with the GAEB interface format. The country-specific catalogs, with over 600 pages consisting of product pages with a modular structure and editorial pages with a free layout, are produced automatically with the crossbase print engine and supported by a database. Over 50 people from marketing, product management and development in various countries are involved in this process. Workflow tasks and reports are currently being defined to support data maintenance in order to further optimize the maintenance process and data quality.

Solution details


Website: Product view


Print: Product catalog

The crossbase solution in a nutshell

  • PIM with ERP interface, extensive product features and relationships
  • Channel output management for controlling market and media-specific product ranges
  • Integrated MAM with graphics converter and media structure
  • Text management, generation of enumeration texts from document modules
  • Automated translation process
  • API server for website integration
  • Electronic catalogs (BMEcat, GAEB)
  • Data provision with Excel configurator

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