
The integration of content from crossbase into environments such as SDL Trados or Across works smoothly. crossbase is at the cutting edge of all topics that are important for its customers when it comes to translation.

Jasmin Nesbigall
Project and terminology management, oneword GmbH

Translation / localization requirements

Determine translation requirements precisely and minimize their cost


Translation Manager

You want to determine the exact translation requirements in order to translate only what is really necessary. You need an overview of all translation and proofreading jobs for your agencies and country offices and the ability to organize them easily.

Your advantages with crossbase



You want to process translation orders flexibly using translation memories (TMS) and other translation systems. Ideally, a defined terminology and layout context should be used to ensure a high-quality translation.

Your advantages with crossbase


Proofreader / Review

For the review of translations in the country branches, you need simple web-based access to translated texts. It should be possible to use the layout context, if available, for checking, correcting and releasing translations.

Your advantages with crossbase


Product Managers in countries

You need tools to localize centrally created product information and assortments and to supplement country-specific content. For this purpose you want a slim web interface that allows you to easily and conveniently maintain all relevant data.

Your advantages with crossbase

What crossbase offers you

Comprehensive translation management for all languages

The untranslated text is determined exactly for each language to minimize time and costs. Translation orders can be exported and subsequently checked and corrected online. In a dashboard the progress and status of all orders is clearly displayed.

Minimize translation costs with Trados, across or DeepL

Via interfaces to translation memories and translation services, translations can be consistently reused and produced more cost-effectively.

Check and correct translations online

With a modern web interface, country offices can check and correct translations. A preview of the print-binding layout for print publications also reduces correction runs to a minimum.

Improving translation quality with terminology

Terminology allows technical terms to be used consistently in the editorial process. Using an interface for Trados Multiterm or Across crossTerm, the terms can also be made available and translated for external employees and partners.

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